Vitamins and minerals support your health and improve your immune system. Similar to prescription medication , vitamins and minerals keep your body in good working order. They can help promote healthy aging, cover your nutritional bases, and boost your cardiovascular health.
As a leading compounding pharmacy in Allen, Texas, we will share the essential vitamins and supplements that can help boost your immunity:
- Vitamin C Vitamin C is a popular vitamin and comes in several brands. This vitamin can help your body fight a cold faster or ease your symptoms if you were taking it before getting sick. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant which means it can help reduce inflammation.
- Zinc Zinc is commonly found in throat lozenges and over-the-counter cold remedies like tablets or syrups. It can help shorten the length of rhinovirus colds and helps alleviate symptoms like nasal congestion, cough, and sore throat. In addition to pharmacy services , we also offer quality vitamins and supplements.
- Vitamin D Vitamin D is best taken to help your body maintain optimal levels of phosphorous and calcium. You can get your fair share of vitamin D through exposure to the sun’s rays or through supplements. This vitamin can protect you from respiratory diseases as it decreases the risk of respiratory tract infections.
We at Allen Family Drug offer high-quality vitamins and supplements to boost your immunity and overall health. Visit your trusted independent pharmacy in Texas or reach out to us to learn more about our services and other ways we can improve your health.
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